Another unknown to me yet widely known jumping problem is the dreaded "early takeoff." I have seen dogs who take off early, or
studder step before a jump, but I didn't know there was some research and articles on it.
To read an early article from Linda
click here. (Thanks Diane!)
Fin does not have trouble all the time. There is absolutely a pattern emerging:
- spreads
- coming out of the tunnel at speed
- if I get to far ahead
Some of the information out there seems sorta negative. I am taking the approach that it is a learning situation and obviously Fin learned to be not confident and we are going to teach her that she "CAN DO IT!"
To that end I'm setting up jump grids in the yard. My good friend Laurie is struggling with the same thing. Her dog had an illiopsoas injury and started early jumping spreads (sound familiar?). She came down and shared her knowledge with me and am working the grids she recommended.
At the end of the month Susan Salo will be in the area and we are meeting with her to get more ideas.
And of course, I've got some great minds working on ideas (my trainers and friends).
In the meantime, I have moved her to performance for the two USDAA shows at the end of the month where she won't have to see any spreads. We can play without the spreads :) Can't wait to get back into competition!