The Zig Zigler saying, "Don't give up what you want long term for what you want today" is extremely relevant to me. I often catch myself sabotaging my long term goals for gratification of a "food" nature", sometimes I do this without even acknowledging the consequences until the food is in my stomach.
I have in the past set weight loss goals. I have been successful as I've lost alot of weight, but I haven't really moved in a downward direction in a few months.
Circles of regret and failure seem to be my theme.
Ready to make a change? I sure am. I am on a 50 pound weight loss challenge. This 50 pounds will not get me where I need to be, but this 50 pounds will get me within tossing distance of my goals.
USDAA Nationals. In Kentucky. Really far for me. I still wanna go. Pretty expensive. Still wanna go.
Here it is: If Vici meets her 50 pound challenge by July 17, she is allowed to go to Kentucky in October (of course she must keep those 50 pounds off during the time between July-October or she forfeits). Kel has agreed. Friends are watching me. Here we go.
This week 3.5 pounds. Each week I will post my progress. The table below shows short term goals as well as long term. I need to meet my short term or I will not meet the long term. The plan should be to exceed the short term goals every month because as I lose more, I would expect it to be harder to maintain higher weight loss numbers each week.
I will post updates regularly but for sure on the short term goal dates. My strategy is to weigh in and attend weight watchers meetings, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly.
Is this in excel?
Share the technology!!!
I know that you know this if you go to weight watchers--but 2 lbs a week is a very aggressive schedule. Not outside the realms of healthy possibility, but still aggressive. It's usually more effective long term to have action-oriented goals rather than poundage goals. They set up you for success more in the long run. WW of course tells you this. Also see the Mayo Clinic notes on this (they call them "process" goals). Good luck with all your goals!
Sister, I agree with the Elf, it is a life style that will get you what you want in the end. Short term behavior may get you to your goal, life style will keep you there. Path ways help us target what you want, keep going in that direction and you will get there. I cheer your efforts to be healthy!!
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