Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Runs from the Weekend

AKC on Jan 2. Only went one day. Open Jumpers, last Q, Got it. Need to be faster on those long lines of jumps, she is looking back at me and we are loosing time. Open is over, on to Excellent!

The standard run was a tough one.

I feel the opening is very nice. When I walked it I knew the weaves might be a problem. They were in the corner weaving to nowhere and after the weaves was a sharp left turn to the teeter. I know she can do this and I've made the difficult decision not to babysit the obstacles. So I took my position and she popped at 10. I gave her a second chance and decided not to continue with the run as I was out of position at that point to drive down the next line. For me the best thing was to just run out rather than have a sloppy ending.

I still had fun and Fin just figured we were done and could have cared less.

And one last one. Little Maddie. She is not happy that I did not toss the ball for her. You can see that she is missing her lower front teeth. Lost in a "gotta attack the squirrels and bite the tree" incident.

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