Monday, December 10, 2012

Quick Update

This is another one of the wonderful artist drawings by Laura Hartwick of Team Small Dog.  She has captured Rocky's sweetness and love of his orange ball.  I love all my Laura drawings and can't wait to share Maddie, Olive, and OMG FIN!!!

This weekend was cold mornings, fast tough courses, warm middle of the day, and late cold nights.  Spent time with my best buds all sitting together and some of us pot lucked with hot chili, jabalia, and split pea soup.  Yum.   I'm lucky at these pot lucks.  My peeps like the bread from my local Nob Hill so that's what I bring.  Easy.

Fin ran really well.  A bit of early jumping in some of the courses with tons of distance between jumps, but very few knocked bars, and fun happy sheltie at the start line, and fun happy sheltie at the finish line.  Love when my Finster is happy.  I felt that for the most part I handled well.  I tried to remember to support her on the areas that I know are problems, but just go for it on others.  I was able to get to some front crosses that at championship 16 I would have been afraid to try (would caused Fin to crash), but at 12 we both seem to have more confidence.  Yippiiieee!

The big news is that Fin got TWO gamble course Q's!!!  TWO!  Gamble is the area of improvement I feel I can grow the most.  I just haven't been good at working the gambles.  Both gambles did lean toward Fins and my strengths, but getting the gambles both days just made the weekend that much more!

Came home very late Sunday and my husband met me out at the car.  He says, "Don't be alarmed when you go inside.  Rocky tweaked something and isn't feeling well."  Boy was he right.  Poor Rocks is looking old and feeling the cold.  Loads of massage from me over the next few days should put him on the road to recovery, but it is hard to see him so under the weather. The good news is that he is happy to eat (dish has to be elevated) and happy to it is just getting the tweak in his neck feeling better.  Sucks to get old!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Congrats on your weekend!!! Thats awesome. Sorry about Rocky. I hope he feels better soon.