Monday, October 8, 2012

And the Beat Goes On

It's time for a change.  Me and Fin, we've done well for ourselves but Fin is not showing the confidence that she should.  Time to go to performance to get the girl back in shape.  So for this year of competition, I'm running 12" performance USDAA.  In performance the spreads are taken out and the spreads seem to be causing the most issue. 

No spreads means clear sailing for the Finster.  This also means no AKC. AKC has spreads even in their preferred program.  It is an experiment.  Let's see how it goes.

Run from the weekend showed Fin jumping a little tucked in the rear.  Tail was going down and she was struggling a bit.

Next few weeks no agility competitions so a few classes with loads of hikes and some swiming should get the girl relaxed and ready to rumble at the next show where won't she be surprized to be running at 12". 

GP from this weekend.  A come instead of a flip of my arm would have given me a better result, but a very nice run!

1 comment:

Elf said...

Tika certainly jumped better when we moved to performance; stopped knocking as many bars as she used to. Good luck with your experiment.