Tuesday, April 27, 2010

21 days and Fur be Gone

We are going on 21 days of rest. I can't believe we are 3 weeks into this. Time is moving right along.

It is also that time of year. Time to turn on the pool solar and expect Tazz to go for a dip now and then. Time for him to get hot and not want to do any agility. Time for Vici to get out her shears and pretend she knows what she is doing and shave the turd (I say that with love in my heart). Today was day one of spa day. The shears came out, the bath was taken, and the first phase of "get rid of a bunch of hair" is complete.

This also means that I have stiff little hairs stuck in my clothing that will poke me for months!

Although most experts agree that the long sheltie hair should keep a sheltie cool as well as warm, Tazz just doesn't agree. In addition, when swimming, his hair is an added weight that just isn't fair to him nor our pool filter...so off with his fur!

It takes me a number of sessions to "get it right." I will say that this first one is better than most. New shears have helped greatly. Who would have thought.

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