Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thanks From MHDogSports

After the fence was put in, Laura and I wanted to thank the people that helped us get that darn fence up.  We had many volunteers that spent their weekend making our field look nice.  Some of those people even stayed after the fence was up and weeded, filled in squirrel holes, brushed cobwebs off of the shed, moved equipment....and the list goes on.  It truly was a group effort.

I played the role of the short order cook.  I whipped up eggs to order (as long as you wanted them scrambled) and breakfast burritos were the result.  Friends brought champagne and mimosas were played a huge role in the thank you breakfast.

Yummy deliciousness!
Wait, these two didn't get a burrito!  What is wrong with me, I'll get right on it.

After breakfast, what did we do?  We played agility!!!

Some of us sat around the new measuring wicket and had important conversations.

Others sat in the shade with their feet up.
Overall, it was a LOVELY day.  Full of friends and fun.  I guess MHDogsports is in full swing now. 


Diana said...

Looks like an awesome agility place!!

Elf said...

Wonderful! Work can be so much fun with the right people and the right attitude.