Marco is all about the dogs line. He wants you to think about where the dog is going after the jump and set up the line so if the dog is turning that you "shape" the turn using a "pre-cue" so that the dog decelerates prior to the jump turn on the jump and then takes off to the next line. We did alot of stuff with our arms that I've never done before and I must say that Fin did start to turn tighter and tighter. A very interesting day.
Fin paid attention as Marco spoke. She pretty much hung out in her green chair if she wasn't running. By the afternoon she was actually taking naps...first time I've seen her so tired that she needed naps between runs at a seminar. I felt that Marco did a GREAT job of having a plan and keeping the seminar moving. We took a few breaks and rebuilt courses a couple times, but the day flew by with alot of practice. I had a great time and the concepts were really interesting.
Here is a sample of one of the exercises that we did with the pre-cueing. You can see that the second time Fin was turning tighter (although I think any system I used would have gotten a tighter turn at that point, it is fun to see. It goes against everything that I have learned to pre-cue and blind cross, but I thought it would be interesting to try it out for one day. I am most proud that I didn't fall down once during this seminar even though he had me running backwards, grapevining, using arms that I never use, and blindcrossing after tunnels! When I wasn't struck by lightening after the first blind cross, I was amazed.
I just noticed that you & an agility friend in Colorado both posted about the Marco seminars you attended--one right after the other, I guess! Here's hers.
Funny, Marco was in Colorado Thurs.-Sat. so he really must have been jet setting around. I've got a post about his seminar here if you're interested:
The first time he showed me that exercise that you were doing in the video with the off arm and the figure 8 I thought my brain would explode but it was fun once we got the hang of it.
the pigean at the center of the poll is ALWAYS special. Its the one the low flying hawk gets! Nice video
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