Monday, August 6, 2012

Fact: Hiking in 92 degree heat, dumb.

In my defense, it has been much cooler lately. 

Today I've been working at the computer.  The house is closed up as it keeps it cooler (and it was cold early).  I did take the dogs out numerous times this morning for brief romps on breaks, but really didn't notice that it was hot.

At 2, I decide.  Hike time.  Put two in the car and head on out.  As I'm driving I'm thinking, "It seems a little warm."  Half way there I press a button on my dash and the temp pops up at 90. 

Ah well. We are almost to the trail head and much of it is in the shade.

Today I learned that when Olive is hot, she takes a break. We aren't moving till I cool down, kinda break.  I'll give her this, it was hot. Water is good, but water on her belly is fantastic!  Water falling on the ground in the shade making mud...priceless!

Tomorrow, we'll either go later or earlier.  Heat of the day, not Olives choice.

I was hot and Fin was hot.  Burned some calories and had fun.  Fortunately I always bring water and we took frequent water breaks.


ME: Olive, it isn't time for a nap right now.  Come on girl, we've only got about a 1/4 of a mile to go and it is ALL in shade. 


ME:  Look, Fin and I are going.  Are you coming?

OLIVE:  Huh.  You wouldn't leave me.  I remember how panicked you are when I go over the fence. 

ME:  Well, it is hot, Fin and I are going.

OLIVE:  Well ok...squirrel!


Unknown said...

I went at 6:30am and it was lovely. Drenched in fog and not a hint of sunshine. :) Just so you know it will be 100 all week so better not try to roast Olive with 2pm hikes.


vici whisner said...

@Laura...I need to call you for regular weather reports. I get to focused on working and forget that the outside temp might be too hot.

I will say that that hike tired her out good! It was a very peaceful evening and got some very nice circle work since she was too tired to step jump step jump.

corbinwooten said...

I'm with Olive--is fall here yet?! :)