Thursday, December 11, 2008

Introducing "The Bi-Polar Express!"

This weekend we will find ourselves running agility. Yes my friends, in December. Who's crazy idea was this? It will be a high of 40 (ok, ok, I know...but to me it is "COLD!"). It is going to rain. But agility playing we will be doing. It is a covered arena after all.

This is the first opportunity to get a DAM team "Q" for the 2009 USDAA Nationals. Tazz got his Q last year at this trial with the "Blue Dog Group." This year, his team name is "Bi-Polar Express." My team mate is none other than Ruby of "Team Small Dog!" (

How does Tazz get to run agility with such a famous Internet Blog star? Well, Laura "H" and I were discussing how our dogs are "special" and decided that we'd make either a fabulous team, or we'd crash and burn. Sounded like a good idea at the time.

When Laura "P" got wind of this, she said, "Oh you guys should be like the bi-polars!" Giving it a christmas theme, we became the Bi-Polar express.

Ruby and Tazz sound made for each other, what with the meltdowns, judge phobia, contact jitters, A frame avoidance, leash aggression, and inconsistent fears there is sure to be some excitement this weekend.

Wish us luck. Fun we will have, Luck we will need

1 comment:

team small dog said...

Ruby is Ready! See you Saturday! Last year at this trial, she won a bunch of her team classes. What does this year bring? You never know when you're riding the Bi-Polar Express.